We encourage you
to work to achieve
those tasks that
are not in your reach
just yet.

24/7 Admissions


You’ve made the tough decision to relocate – for yourself or your loved one.

We’ll qualify this milestone by easing you into your new home with the love and dignity you get when surrounded by family. Here, you’re in skilled, attentive hands with our round-the-clock care.

Work toward your short-term and long-term goals while surrounded by the Amherst Meadows spirit.

At Amherst Meadows, we strive to preserve your dignity and to help you live a life you love. Your care, our calling.

- Orthopedic Rehab
- Cardiac Rehab
- Stroke Rehab
- Assisted Living
- Long Term Care
- Radiology
- IV Therapy
- Diabetes Management
- Dentistry
- Wound Care
- Podiatry
- Audiology

Amhest Meadows staff

"Respect your elders" is not a childhood dictum -

It’s a lifelong one, and we at Amherst Meadows cherish the opportunity to care for our honorary long-term residents.